Open-Source Mechanics in «Serious» Business
embracing the ideology
without defeating it
open source software development
- special motivation & ideology
- special organizational structure
- special rhythm, milestones and roadmaps
open source and business
- using
- producing
- attracting
here comes serious business
- discard everything special
- practice proprietary approach with minor alterations
- paint an elaborate facade of openness
what goes wrong
- serious business is deeply conservative
- ignores major strengths of open source
- plugs perceived weaknesses with incompatible solutions
doing it right™
learning from open source: basic
- motivation
- communication
- governance
learning from open source: advanced
- goals - profound meritocracy
- roadmaps - whatever we do best
- release model - early, often, well-reviewed
learning from open source: deep
- letting go of sharp deadlines and milestones
- focusing on processes and principles
- leveraging every achievment
working with open source: basic
- maintain a wish list
- bet on long term
- start infiltrating community
working with open source: advanced
- let developers redefine your needs
- multi-layer multi-way approach to problems
- become significant part of the ecosystem
working with open source: deep
- build new playing fields
- organize disruptive events
- build up momentum to your advantage
on the edge
- best place to chime in
- easy to find unique value
- early-adopter culture for competitiveness
social coding
- developer engagement, internal and external
- underpinning of ecosystem efforts
- best code review practice
- perfect platform for impossible collaboration
- define new platforms where needed
- create new markets where possible
- brandish your status in community
- fund when appropriate